Saturday, July 11, 2009

Art and Craft from the Chaco and beyond

Art and Craft Show 2009 Filadelfia, Chaco Paraguay

This is the coffee "corner" of our show. The background painting was made 4 years ago at the 75 year aniversary of our colony. We were allowed to use it as a backdrop for our food court. The food in the "cantina" is delicious. We have a lot of typical mennonite pastries and cakes and free coffee.

This hand carved indian is watching over the crowd. Brianna likes him!

The following painting and picture were made by another of my relatives who is also the head of our commity planning this show.

This is me, walking around the show, like I know what I'm doing:)

This is a coffee table made out of motor parts, palosanto wood and a glass table top. Beautiful piece of craftsmanship.

I'll be taking more pictures this afternoon, check in again soon!

P.S. A note to my sisters and cousin/s reading this: please leave a comment, so I know someone is reading this:)


  1. hey, sis! I've been checking your blog regularly, and am proud of what you guys got done! Looking forward to seeing some more of your own stuff,


  2. You know I read this all the time! Good job though! Both with the craft show and with keeping everyone up to date with your blog!C

  3. Hi, Brenda!
    Ich les ganz regelmässig deinen Blog, und freu mich SEHR, wenn da Fotos sind!! Tausend Dank!!

  4. Hey Sis
    Wish I were day. I check your blog everyday. You're doing a great job. Love you lots.

  5. WOW what a great show honey!!!I would've loved to be there :) so sorry I haven't been around I've been so so busy! love your lovely blog !!!


Please leave your name when you comment! I'd love to hear from you!