Friday, July 17, 2009

VGNO=virtual girls night out

The challenge for tonight is to write down a wierd dream you had.

A few weeks ago, I dreamed (dreamt?) that i was having a back surgery. Which isn't even that wierd, considering that I had a surgery to fix 2 herniated discs last year.

Well, while i was on the operating table, I felt that the doctor was sewing my shoulders on to the table, so I wouldn't move. I didn't move... When I woke up, my back was hurting like crazy. Now, tell me, did I dream that because my back was already hurting in my sleep. Or did my back hurt, because I didn't move while sleeping.

Anybody know?

I don't!?

But I won't let it worry me! Happy weekend, everyone!


  1. Oh man...what a nightmare...I have a budging disc and can relate to your pain.

    Have a great VGNO!!

  2. Yikes what a nightmare. Happy VGNO

  3. Oh that is an odd dream. I'd say that something is 'holding you back' or 'pinning you down' in life right now.

  4. Stopping by for VGNO! Hope you have a great weekend.

  5. Hey, thanks for stopping by and YES I will gladly ship the journal to you if you win!

  6. Whooosh! Dreams can be so weird and real! Happy VGNO! :)

  7. That is a scary dream! I had back surgery several years ago--laminectomy diskectomy. I had good results (thank goodness!). Nobody sewed my shoulders to the table either! :) Happy VGNO and good luck with your back. I feel for you!

  8. I had that dream kind of. If I'm lying in the wrong position in my dream my back is killing, then I wake up it really is.

    Happy VGNO.

  9. That is a crazy dream - I like Yaya's assessment of it! :)

    Happy VGNO! :)

  10. Happy VGNO! Hope your back is feeling better!

  11. I bet it was your back sneaking into your dreams.
    Hope you get to feeling better.
    Happy VGNO

  12. Hmmm....that's like which came first? The chicken or the egg? Glad you made it to my blog last night!

  13. love that pic!! :) dreams can all have different meaning, it might've just been that your back was hurt LOL


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