Tuesday, June 8, 2010

The Happiness Project, part 2

Leigh over at Leigh vs. Laundry asks that we put in a picture that makes us wildly happy.


This makes me wildly happy: Sewing with my mom's Pfaff with Grayson watching me from outside the window. ... sigh ...


  1. Awwww...let me guess..kitty wanna play with string? Cats do love the crafty stuff!

  2. I envy people who can sew and make things. I'm not good with a needle and thread! :)

  3. Oh I know this feeling. My mom has an old Singer Featherweight. She bought me a new machine a few years ago - better, more modern. But I still prefer to sew on hers. Add a kitty into the mix, and it's pretty darn close to heaven.

  4. What makes me wildly happy is that you are sewing my curtains with your mom's sewing machine and the kitty outside watching you. :)

  5. It is amazing that you know how to sew! In home-economics, i always had a friend sew for me.

  6. Old school! I love it! I have a 1950 and 1970 era Singer just doing nothing in my house... Wish I could get them to work, but for now, my 2009 Singer! :D

  7. my facebook profile picture is one of me wildly happy. any picture of my sistas makes me happy as well.


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