Monday, September 27, 2010

Meet me on Monday, 16

I'm linking up to Java's today again. I wanted to do this last night, but we didn't have internet access yesterday. I won't spend too much time with pictures today, because I just got back from our 7 km walk and I really have to get the laundry started, the dishes washed, lunch started, etc. I think you know what I mean.:)


1. How many TV’s do you have in your home?

One! (I'm not counting the struck-by-lightning-broken-TV in our guesthouse:)

2. What is on your bedside table (nightstand)?

A lot of jewelry, nail clipper, hair accessories, and a little bit of a mess. And some bandaids for my blisters from Saturday:)

3. How many pair of shoes do you own?

I think around 10, but I mostly wear flip-flops. I love all kinds of  flip-flops (remember when we used to be allowed to call them "thongs"?), and our neighbor country of Brazil makes the best ones. These are my favorites right now.

4. Can you change a flat tire?

I never have alone, but I probably could do it. My sisters can!

5. Do you prefer sweet treats or salty treats?

It depends on my mood. I love all treats! I'm craving something salty now, and I can't find anything edible in my cupboards now, except for some rice cakes with honey flavor. (It's like chewing cardboard with a light honey taste:P)


  1. LOL! When I was a kid, we wore "thongs". Not the same meaning today for sure!

  2. Hi, Brenda! I hope the blisters are getting better. When you get a chance, hop over to my blog and look at my Miscellany Monday post. I want to share my blessings with you! Have a great week!

    p.s. I had never heard the term "thong" for flip flops. I know that there is another meaning. Shall we say, "definitely not for me undies" that look like they would need to be surgically removed if they shifted wrong!I don't get it!

  3. This makes me want to go home to count my shoes...


  4. Hi there. I am your newest follower from the blog hop. Lovely blog:) You can find me at

  5. I love flip flops too. I always called them flip flops as a kid until I moved back East and they called them thongs. :) I like the ones you pictured. :) Very cute.

    I am a new follower too. :) This was my first MMM. It has been fun checking out the other blogs and learning a little something about everyone.

    Have a great day.


  6. Flip Flops are my absolute favorite...your are really cute! I remember my mom calling them thongs when I was a kid, but I've always said flip flops.

  7. Yeah, the changing tire thing, I always thought, everyone could change a tire in our family, but I've done it for Mom and for C. I guess that one time when dad taught me how to before I was allowed to drive (I think he was super tired that day), payed off really well for me.



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