Sunday, January 1, 2012

This was 2011!

January: I graduated from the Couch-to-5 k program. I was in better shape than I am now:(

February: We went on a trip to the Paraguay river at Carmelo Peralta. I loved seeing so much water!

Also February: My Christmas present arrived: A new sewing machine. I'm still thrilled about it!

March: Bumper crop of cucumbers. I made relish for the first time.

April: I tried some new recipes for Easter. Like this one. We all loved these bunnies!

May: Marvins cousin from Germany came to visit. Here they are preparing meat for a BBQ.

June: A visit to my parent's ranch!

July: A trip to the capital (=a trip to McDonald's)

August: A flea market/second hand sale at my parents with some friends and my sister.

September: highlight of the WHOLE year: my 2 sisters came from Canada!

Here's a family picture: together again after 8 1/2 years!

October: the Trans Chaco Rally.

November: first spring rains brought beauty back to the Chaco!

Also November: Amy's ninth grade graduation! We are so proud of her!

December: traditional Crazy-Cookie-Baking Day at my Mom's! This year we "only" made 12 different batches of cookies:)

Thank you all for visiting my here on my blog this past year. I hope to blog more regularly in 2012, but I won't let blogging keep me from more important things!

I have always loved this verse and would like to give it to you for the new year. God bless you all!


  1. Loved seeing about your year, did NOT love missing most of it! :) Hope 2012 is full of hope and joy for you! Love ya!

  2. It seems you had a wonderful 2011. God's richest blessings upon you and your family this coming year, Brenda.

  3. Hi dear! of course I remember you!! how I've missed all my sweet friends :) I enjoyed all your pictures the bunnies look delicious & wow that Mcdonald's uses silverware? lol thanks for stopping by & your sweet comments! xo


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