This is the church before we started decorating it.
We were VERY busy the last few weeks and especially today getting everything ready for the "Thanksgiving"- Service at out church tomorrow. Our village (12 families) had to prepare all the food and decorate the church with fruits, vegetables, crafts and more.
This is the centerpiece on the table below the pulpit. We put a clay jar with sesame spilling out of it, the bible in the middle and a loaf of homemade bread on the other side. Anyone recognize the bread? :)
If you follow me on Facebook, you knew that we canned 48 kg of cucumbers into dill pickles. There were two other groups of ladies baking cookies and rolls (Zwieback) this week.
Today 3 other ladies, 3 men and I all went to the church in the morning to decorate it. The other men that stayed home started cooking the meat in 6 great big pots at our barn. They had to cook two batches for 3 1/2 - 4 hours each. Two other ladies cooked "guiso" (pasta stew) for lunch for the whole village and the men also baked some "asado" (barbeque) for the people that don't like stew. (ME!!!)
When we were done at the church we came home, drank a bit of tereré and then ate lunch. It was so much fun! All of the kids were there too, and they had fun as well.
After cleaning up, I went to take a siesta, and Marvin woke me up at 3:45 pm! I never sleep that long:) Amy, Cindy and I squeezed limes later to add to the juice tomorrow.
Tomorrow we'll be going to be at the church at 7:30 am, to cut the meat in slices, put the food on the serving plates, make coffee and juice, etc. I'll try to take pictures tomorrow of the food, if I can.
This is how the men cooked the meat. There were 6 of these huge pots filled with water, spices and meat.
This is what it looked like after cooking.
I think someone was feeding my kitten too much meat scraps today, he couldn't even sleep on his stomach for siesta!:)
Have a great Sunday, everyone and for the Fernheimer: Frohes Erntedankfest!!!