(so delish: here) and a Fress-mich-dumm Kuchen ( a similar recipe is here at my fellow paraguayan blogger: Betty)
I'm also making a simple Bonnie Butter cake with mini chocolate chips just for us to enjoy for the weekend.
If you realize that I baked all of this with a broken oven door (I have to put a chair up against the door, so that it stays closed while baking), I might get a pat on the back:)
At the beginning of each year, we put the names of my parent-in-laws, my sisters- and brothers-in-laws and our own all into a hat, and everyone picks a name. I picked my MIL's name, so I am hosting her birthday party for the rest of the family this Sunday. It sounds complicated, but it's actually fun.
Ann from over here sent me an email yesterday, telling me that I was the first in place to receive her heart-shaped-rock. Ann has this great idea... read it yourself:
Last summer we started The Heart-Shaped Rock Project. The "little gem" got lost in a house along the way, so... due to lovely requests... I'm going to start it again. And we have a first few stops lined up!
Next week I will be mailing our little gem to Brenda "The Chaco Girl" in Paraguay. How cool, right?
So, I'll be waiting for a package in the mail soon! I hope to have a camera by then to take a pic of me and the cute rock:)
Have a great weekend, everyone! Love ya!