Saturday, October 31, 2009
Craft auction of our ladies group

Friday, October 23, 2009
The Adventures of the Silver Spoon, part 1

Thursday, October 22, 2009
Survey for my sister
Hobby and Handicraft Expo Survey
Please complete the following survey about your interest and knowledge of hobbies and crafts.
What is your gender? Please check one.
___ Male ___ Female
How old are you?
___ < 18 ___ 19 – 25 ___ 26 – 35 ___ 35 – 45 ___ over 46
___ Scrap booking ___ Bird watching ___ Other
___ Gardening ___ Painting ______________
___ Photography ___ Models (e.g. airplanes, ships)
___ R/C cars/airplanes ___ Stamp/Coin collecting
___ Knitting/Crocheting ___ Sewing ___ Other
___ Baking/Cooking ___ Jewellery _____________
___ Woodwork ___ Needlework
___ Pottery ___ Card making
___ < 1 hour ___ 2 – 4 hours ___ 5 – 10 hours ___ More
___ < $50 ___ $50 - $100 ___ $100 - $200 ___ More
___ if yes, where?______________ ___ No
____ Yes ____ No
___ Steinbach: Where?________ ___ Winnipeg: Where?_______
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Book review: Fearless by Max Lucado

I started reading "Fearless" by Max Lucado, not because I was experiencing fear in my life, but because I really like the author.
Max Lucado has the ability to speak/write clearly, so that you can understand him perfectly and really picture the situations he describes. I have learned so much from this book.
Like for example:
Fear corrodes our confidence in God's goodness.
Fear unleashes doubts.
Fear is a perceived loss of control.
We get so edgy and insecure, when we lose control of a situation. But God will always be the same and in charge, it doesn't change anything about his love towards us, if we decide to fear and worry or to trust him. His love casts out fear, because he casts out sin.
The chapter that spoke to my heart the most was: My child is in danger. Because we have three daughters (13,11 and 8) I sometimes worry and fear for the future of our kids. But the Bible says in Lam. 2, 19: “Lift your hands toward Him for the life of your young children.” We can come to our Lord and bring our kids to him in prayer. Max Lucado says: “Prayer is the saucer into which parental fears are poured to cool.” We can't protect our children from every threat in life (even if I'd love to bubble wrap our girls sometimes), but we can take them to the Source of Life.
Another chapter that was very important to me was: Make-Believe Money. In a slightly humorous way, Max Lucado shows us that the treasures that we accumulate on earth are just as worthless as Monopoly money when we get to heaven.
I would recommend this book to all people, not only the fearful ones, as everybody can learn something new from this great book.
Saturday, October 17, 2009
What is/are LOLCATS?
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A lolcat image
A lolcat (pronounced LOLL-kat, with the "lol" not being an initialism), is an image combining a photograph, most frequently of a cat, with a humorous and idiosyncratic caption in (often) broken English—a dialect which is known as "lolspeak" or "kitty pidgin" and which parodies the poor grammar typically attributed to Internet slang. The name "lolcat" is a compound word of the acronymic abbreviation "LOL" and the word "cat".[1] A synonym for "lolcat" is cat macro, since the images are a type of image macro.[2] Lolcats are designed for photo sharing imageboards and other internet forums.
The term lolcat gained national media attention in the United States when it was covered by Time,[3] which wrote that non-commercialized phenomena of the sort are increasingly rare, stating that lolcats have "a distinctly old-school, early 1990s, Usenet feel to [them]"."

Friday, October 16, 2009
Winner of the crochet bag!
Let's celebrate with a bathtub full of fun! We have a winner for my very first giveaway. {Drum roll, please!}
Gladys from http://gladysspeaks.blogspot.com/ wins my crochet bag, cell phone case and a souvenir of Paraguay. Gladys has a really cool blog with hilarious posts. I just love her comments to news stories.
I baked a cuadruple batch of scandinavian almond bars, but in the maple/pecan variation. Just so that I could give some of these scrumptious goodies to the winner, if she was out of my area. But here's a little gift for all of my readers. I have the special permision of my very good friend, Shilo, to give the recipe to any one who wants it. Taste of Home also has this recipe but slightly different. I encourage you to surf through the TOH website, there are tons of great recipes waiting to be found.
Ok, so here's the recipe:

Scandinavian Almond Bars/Maple-Pecan Bars
1 ¾ cup flour
2 tsp baking powder
½ tsp salt
½ cup butter
1 cup sugar
1 egg
½ tsp almond extract
½ cup sliced almonds
almond icing
Stir together dry ingredients. Beat butter and sugar until fluffy. Add egg and almond extract. Add flour mixture and beat until mixed thoroughly. Divide into fourths. Form into 12 x 3 inch rolls (I like to pat the rolls down a bit, so they aren't quite that thick). Place two rolls on ungreased cookie sheet and brush with milk and sprinkle with almonds. Bake at 325 for 12-14 minutes. While warm, cut crosswise at diagonal into 1 inch strips. Cool.
Stir 1 cup powdered sugar, ¼ tsp almond extract and enough milk to make a drizzling consistency. (I put the icing in a little bag, snip off one corner of the bag, and drizzle the icing on the bars)
To change them to Maple Walnut Bars:
Use ¼ tsp vanilla, ¼ tsp maple extract in the dough to replace almond extract and ¼ tsp maple extract in the glaze to replace almond extract then exchange walnuts/pecans for the almonds.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Can't think of a title....
We brought the baby and her mother home, and they are doing well. The baby girls's name is Ercelina.

I went to drink terere with my sister, C, this morning. Her boys are just hilarious! Check out the clip:
Jopi & Stiti's tricycle stunt.
( I don't know why this picture is showing double here, sorry 'bout that)
No one was harmed during the filming of this clip, nor were the any stunts done by profesional stuntmen. This is the real thing!!!
P.S. Just reminding you, that there is still time to enter in my blog-giveaway. Just comment on last weeks post.
Friday, October 9, 2009
An exciting morning and my first giveaway

Now for the surprise:

Eskimo was very willing to model the bag for us! He said he wanted his salary in cat food.
- Everyone that leaves me a comment on this post enters in the giveaway.
- Anyone who comments and also follows my blog gets two entries.
- If the winner is outside of Paraguay, I will send the bag in the mail with a little souvenir (recuerdo) of Paraguay along with it.
- If the winner lives in Paraguay, I will send the bag with some fresh baked goodies along with it.
- I will notify the winner and ask for the address then.
In one week, the 16. of October, I will put all the names in a hat and draw the lucky winner.
So now I wish you all a great weekend and good luck in my giveaway!
P.S. The baby in the picture is not Adriano and Susanna's baby. But cute anyway!
Thursday, October 8, 2009
New look for my blog
Spring has arrived to the Chaco. We had a great little rain on Tuesday till Wednesday. 40 mm in all here, not much, but a great start!
And because I'm in a spring-mood, I transformed my blog layout to something more fresh and green. I know that the people up in the northern hemisphere might think I've gone crazy, but the seasons are opposite in the south, ok?
I would also like to announce my first giveaway. If everything works out right, I'll be posting about that tomorrow. And I will keep the gift a secret until then, too. So, whoever is reading this today, check in again tomorrow for details.
This is a Paratodo tree in full bloom a few weeks ago, somehow it knew it would receive rain soon. God is good to us!
Friday, October 2, 2009
Transchaco Rally 2009
My husbands cousin, Thomas, has always had a thing about speed. He used to drive motocross races and plays in the Fernheimer Volleyball crew. Seven years ago, a little while after his dad died, he signed up for the Transchaco Rally for the first time. Up until now, he only once made it to the finish line in third place. This year, the whole racing team was working on a shoestring budget. There was no money to throw around, and the sponsors didn't trust him enough to put their money on him. The team helping him, all brought their own food along for the 3 days they spent in the open brush in tents or in the Tinglado in Mariscal Estigarribia. My husband and another of his cousins spent 2,5 days in Mariscal cooking for the whole team of helpers.

Around noon we got there and waited. Two hours later we were standing at the finish line, when Thomas drove through and won the Rally for the first time in his life. His mom was very moved and it was an emotional moment for many of us. If you look at the above picture closely, you can see Brianna (the little strawberry/blond head to the right hand side of Thomas), someone put her on their shoulders, so she could see him!
This the the proud Mom and son after the race.